Saturday, 25 September 2010

mingle and make prep

And relax...

Tea's on.

Sewing packs boxed.

Sewing machines checked.

Tea cups gathered.

Biscuits made.

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Two Dolls brings you…

Apron Strings: Mingle and Make!

Sunday 26th September 2pm-5pm, Manna Café, Cupar Rd,

Newport on Tay.

You are invited to participate in our first Mingle and Make afternoon. Come along and create your own custom made apron and become the domestic goddess you always knew you could be. If you would like to be involved there is a £10 participation fee to cover materials, refreshment and venue hire. We will also provide an assortment of precut fabric, sewing machines, ironing boards + irons, thread, needles etc, refreshments and 2 experienced onsite sewing advisors. You may also bring along your own materials to embellish and personalize your apron.

We are keen to have a mixture of sewing levels so don’t worry if you can’t sew at all - help will be on hand.

If you would like to be involved email us at, register your interest and tell us a bit about yourself and your sewing experience (if any). Spaces are limited so if you are interested let us know as soon as you can. Payment can be made on the day either by cash or cheque.